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Minichillers and Unichillers

Minichillers and Unichillers up to 2.5 kW cooling capacity are an inexpensive and environmentally friendly cooling solution for numerous laboratory applications. The units require little space and are therefore ideal for cooling laboratory equipment, distillation apparatus, vacuum pumps and rotary evaporators.


Huber Unichillers offer better efficiency, stable pressure and delivery performance with a constant cooling water temperature compared to traditional tap water cooling. Chillers also reduce water consumption and  help conserve the environment whilst lowering operating costs. Unichillers are suitable for the removal of heat from chemical processes, cooling technical plants or as a central cooling water supply for laboratories. All Unichillers are designed for continual operation at ambient temperatures up to  +40°C. Installation in an outside areas is possible with optional weather protection and winter operation packages. Pumps are available with an extended pressure and flow rate for applications with a high pressure drops.

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The compact Minichillers are an economic and environmentally friendly cooling solution for many laboratory applications. A calculation of water and waste water costs shows that a Minichiller can save up to 48,000 litres of water in a working week and due to its low procurement price, return on investment is achieved within a very short time. The units have small footprints, only requiring 225 x 360 mm on the laboratory bench and are therefore suitable for cooling reactor blocks, vacuum pumps, rotary evaporators or heat exchangers. Minichillers allow stable application conditions due to constant values for temperature, pressure and throughflow quantities. They are also perfect for continuous operation at ambient temperatures up to 40°C. Despite the economic purchase price the coolers are well equipped and have a large temperature indicator, fill level indicator, as well as status LEDs for the pump, cooling and heating. A 1 kW heater is optionally available with which the temperature range can be extended to +100°C. Minichillers are available as both air and water cooled models and use natural refrigerants.

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